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Environmental Justice: Socioeconomic Health

Written by: Caroline Kim

March 27, 2023

According to the EPA, environmental justice is defined as “... the fair treatment… of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income, with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies” (Environmental Justice). This would mean equal protection and an opportunity to voice thoughts on policies (Environmental Justice). According to the CHE, data show that those classified in a lower socioeconomic status are at higher risk for pollution and disease factors (CHE). Overall, trends of premature death can be tied to socioeconomic environment. According to the NIH, “Overall, most North American studies have shown that areas where low socioeconomic status (SES) communities dwell experience higher concentrations of criteria air pollutants, while European research has been mixed” (Hajat). Multiple sources also confirm that lower socioeconomic status is correlated with more environmental hazards, higher susceptibility to poor health, and more psychological stressors (Hajat). Part of this may be due to occupation in which manual labor is more physically demanding than an office job indoors. While occupation can not be so easily changed, incorporating safer work environments on the field can help improve the health of those in a lower socioeconomic status.

Outside of just everyday environmental health, disasters can also impact people differently based on their socioeconomic status. Differences in disaster preparation, response, and resources are all factors that can alter public health. Research actually indicates that those of a lower SES (Socioeconomic status) are less likely to have an emergency plan for disasters (Greater Impact). Poor housing would also indicate higher vulnerability to disaster, which causes more losses and damage. According to Greater Impact, “ Fothergill and Peek report on studies that found that groups including poor women; people with lower incomes; public housing residents; and women who were homeless, unemployed, and of low-income status lacked money and resources needed to evacuate—so, although they received warnings, they were less able to respond to them than people of higher SES” (Greater impact). After the disaster, difficulties can be sourced to “... barriers including lack of knowledge of the systems through which disaster survivors receive aid” (Greater Impact). In scenarios such as the last, simply promoting disaster awareness and informing the public can allow for a much safer response system.


EPA, Environmental Protection Agency,,laws%2C%20regulations%2C%20and%20policies.

“Socioeconomic Environment.” Collaborative for Health & Environment,

Hajat, Anjum, et al. “Socioeconomic Disparities and Air Pollution Exposure: A Global Review.” Current Environmental Health Reports, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Dec. 2015,,fewer%20opportunities%20to%20choose%20health.

Greater Impact: How Disasters Affect People of Low ... - Samhsa. 2017,

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